
A 4-month online program for those already on a personal-growth path to fully express themselves through voice & creativity activation.

Step into the spotlight
of your life.

In your own way,
On your own terms,
And in all your beautiful uniqueness.

After all, it’s your life, right?

We’ll discuss where you’re at, where you want to be,
and how I can help you get there.

Is it time for you to stop playing small?
Do you enjoy singing and/or love poetry?
You’re in the right place.

I help people already on a personal growth journey to fully express themselves and take the space they deserve in the world with voice & creativity activation.

If you’re here, it’s my guess you know that there’s more to you than meets the eye. 

In fact, I would wager that you know that there’s something so immensely extraordinary in you that you shiver slightly when you look in its direction. 

And, however many voices are telling you that to embody it would be too much, too hard, too scary – there’s a part of you that knows your place in this world and softly and urgently calls you towards it. 

Other people might not even know you’re playing small. But inside you know that:

  • Beneath the charisma, something feels blocked: there’s MORE in you, but you’re holding it back

  • You have beautiful dreams about how you want to shine in the world, but you get stuck in behaviours like procrastination, self-doubt or fear of failure or criticism.

  • Being in the spotlight is more uncomfortable than you’d like, when it comes to joining the jam, taking space in conversations or group workshops, voicing what you really stand for (and against!)

  • You’ve worked with setting boundaries and you’ve come far, but in those most delicate, tender or fiery moments, you still freeze up.

  • Your full, juicy SHINE is so much bigger than what’s being expressed right now, however many compliments you get from others.

Now, I want to make this very clear: ☝️ if any (or even all) of that speaks to you:

  1. It is not your fault. For many if not most of us, the world hasn’t taught us to be wild, bold, expressive and free. And the work you’ve already done has laid a solid foundation.

  2. You are not alone. I’ve worked with hundred of clients in the same space as you. Heck, I still confront many of these things on a daily basis. The difference is that I now use my voice and my creativity to create a different reality for myself. And you can, too. Which leads me to:

  3. You have the power to change this (and it’s still not your fault!): I seem to be making a lot of bets on this page (!), but I would bet that if you look at your life so far, you can find a lot of examples of when you’ve really been shining. There is a warrior within you whose eyes blaze with fire. There is a creative well within you that runs so deep it can never run dry. And if you’re ready to hook into those things, I’m here to support you. 

Taking an embodied, holistic approach to your actual VOICE and your CREATIVITY is a revolutionary way to empower yourself.

A lot of people seem to think the special “X-factor” quality is something you’re either born with or you’re not. 

This Queen of Being Seen is here to tell you otherwise. 

It is something that can be learned, but you’ve gotta do the work (trust me, it is absolutely worth it. Oh, and let me not forget- even though it’s going to challenge you outside your comfort zone - the work is really, really FUN!).

Your unique “X-factor” is a recipe of

  • Confidence: feeling so comfortable in your own skin that wherever you are – on a stage, hosting a live event, having a difficult conversation, motivating your team – you are like a fish in the water. You are, quite simply, being You.

  • Vulnerability: feeling connected with your emotions and able to show them when you express yourself. Because this is what moves, motivates and inspires.

  • Courage: daring to do what’s scary. Courage is like a muscle that can be strengthened, and your voice is an excellent tool for that.

  • Creativity: being able to draw on your creativity at all times makes you spontaneous and free. Your endless creativity is a tool you can learn to trust you can call upon at any moment, and it will be there. You are a creative being who was born to create. And when you are using your creativity actively and consistently, you shine. 

Why the voice?

There are many empowerment coaches out there. Why work with your voice?

Well, first, your voice is like a window to your soul. Any emotion that could possibly be felt can be expressed on the voice. And we can recognise who someone is just from hearing their voice. 

This means that exploring your voice is the same as exploring yourself. You can explore your full range of emotions and ways of showing up in the world, using your voice. 

Then, there’s something magical about the voice. It’s why coaches and gurus will ask you to say affirmations out loud. It’s why sports teams usually chant or voice together in some way before a match. Why religions use the singing of hymns or chanting of prayers. Why a song or a poem spoken out loud can touch us so deeply. 

I believe the voice is one of the most powerful tools we have for transformation. 

There’s so many more things I can say about this, but the last thing I’ll say for now, is that your voice is made by your body, and you can feel its vibrations in your body, too. It means that the voice is a tool for embodiment work that is not used nearly enough in the mindfulness/embodiment/personal development industry. If you like singing and/or creative writing, I urge you to explore using this to your advantage, even if (especially if) mindfulness training hasn’t worked for you in the past.

By connecting to your creativity and the power of your voice, you become capable of

  • Getting deeply in touch with what you want & need and expressing it with ease

  • Speaking with passion, presence and authenticity

  • Expressing the full range of all that is You, no matter who’s watching

  • Handling conflicts and difficult conversations with grace

  • Expressing your vulnerability

  • Becoming someone people don’t mess with

  • Advocating for yourself so that you can life the life you deserve

  • Having more fulfilling and intimate relationships

  • Feeling confident and calm because you know you are “there” for yourself

How would your life change if you could fully walk your walk and talk your talk? If you could show all of yourself completely and proudly?

(I mean, holy moly, how would the world change, too?!)


It is a very safe space where you can practise the creative muscle and connect to the voice in a authentic way. It is a delicate balancing dance and Kim is offering a buffet of tools and inspiration. All in a loving and safe way.


A transformational coaching program to help you take the space you deserve so you can live the life you actually want.

All while you tap into your creative juices and the extraordinary power of your voice!


If you long to feel safe in your expressions, voicing your true thoughts and feelings and land in a deeper safety within your own body, this course is for you. I've never felt more safe and supported as I do in this Amplify-container! It's only been one month but I am already noticing shifts in different areas of my life. I am falling deeper in love with my voice. Kim is amazing, so warm and open and supportive in any and all parts of the journey and also so knowledgeable, and sharing her knowledge in a really fun and engaging way. I do notice that, for me, the more time I put in, the greater the results, and vice versa. So if you are ready to put in some (fun!) work, I highly recommend Amplify!!! .”



You’ll need between 3-5 hours per week to move through the course content and attend all the live calls, depending on your pace and slightly varying levels of recorded material week to week. The more time you spend, the more incredible results you’ll get!

The program length is 4 months.


This is a high-level coaching program designed to get you mind-blowing results, fast. There is a set price for both group and 1:1, and payment plans start at €400 per month over 4 months.

I do, however, have an integrity-based flex pricing system in place for a limited number of people to claim per month. It involves finding together an investment that feels like a big commitment to you in your financial situation. This works well, since it gives YOU the all-in feeling needed for success in the program and gives ME the feeling you’re honouring my life’s work.

  • Holistic vocal training to help you get deeply in touch with your voice, your breath and your body, and use your voice with confidence.

  • Creating songs, poems and affirmations to help process and move through life experiences and connect to your limitless creativity.

  • My self-created practice of emotive-expressive vocalisation to help you connect deeply to your emotions and the expressive power of your voice.

  • Vocal improvisation to increase your spontaneity, creativity and ability to take space

  • Guided immersive sound experiences to explore and unleash the full range of all that is You.

Here’s what you do next:

Apply for a free 60-minute voice & creativity activation call to tell me about your challenges and goals.  By the end of the call you will know your next step to start speaking your truth.

Why I care.

The reason I’m so passionate about this is that I used to play small, too!

Years ago, I was spread way too thin doing so many things for other people. I was tired and drained, but even that felt like it was easier than the guilt of saying No. 

(Anytime I did say no? Hellooo massive guilt trip!)

If someone said or did something that didn’t sit right with me, I felt like a pressure cooker. Some kind of invisible block kept me from actually saying anything. 

Instead, I would become shell-like and sultry, resenting the other person and pushing them away without them understanding why - I just couldn’t say it. 

I’ve even ended relationships or vanished from friendships, just to avoid a conflict. 

Anytime I went on stage to do anything, I would FREAK. OUT.

Years ago, I finally got the courage to leave a relationship that was really bad for me. The relationship wasn’t abusive, but it made me feel really, really small. 

It wasn’t some powerful story of finally standing up and saying what I wanted to say. I stammered and tripped over my words, then packed up and ran. 

I landed in a new country, with inspiring friends and amazing courses that encouraged me to make a change. 

I attended a lot of different empowerment trainings, but at some point, I realised that the best way to learn to speak my truth was by using my voice. 

So I combined what I learned about empowerment with my expertise in vocal training.

I starting writing songs and poem that help me go deep inside myself, process my emotions and emerge reborn.

I learn to be courageous and vulnerable in the way I take space in the world.

And now, my highly transformative coaching program that has helped hundreds of people reclaim their power and step into their own spotlight, too!

Your True Voice Is Powerful!

It can:

  • Reconnect you to your body, emotions and inner world

  • Give you a fuller, richer experience of life

  • Increase your creativity, spontaneity and playfulness. 

  • Calm you even in those moments when speaking out  is scary! 🤯

  • Hearing your well-supported voice filling up a room can show you how powerful you really are. 

And now, with The Amplify, I’m drawing together my entire toolkit of practices you fully express your most authentic self, and live the life you most long for.

Contact me.

Got questions before you go ahead and book the call? I have one word for you: Wahoooo! I’d love to hear from you.

Just fill out the contact form and I’ll get back to you.

I respect your privacy, and your details are safe with me. Read more about my privacy policy here.

Some love notes from previous clients.


“Kim's joy, positive attitude, and support made me feel incredibly safe in daring to explore my voice and she always met me with empathy and encouragement. I also continuously (because I asked for it) received honest and straightforward feedback on what I could improve. The best conditions for personal growth, I think.

This course is one of the best things I've done and I have much more confidence in my voice now.”

— Linus

“An unforgettable and life changing experience about what our voice can do!
Kim is a wonderful guide into our inner selves, with help of our voice. I am impressed by Kim's way of making us safe and at the same time showing how to reach outside our comfort zone.”

— Dorotea

“Kim created a safe space that made possible for us to do deep healing and empowering work not only for our voice but even for embracing our whole selves. She has such a stable, wise and unique knowledge and it is a gift for us she decides to share it. I got a deeper understanding for my voice, its potential and how to dare being strong in my vulnerability.”

— Sophie


This is a revolutionary way of working with the voice that weaves both vocal and personal development into synergy together. It’s based on the principle that when we work with the voice, we always work on ourselves and our inner world, because challenges around using the voice are never purely technical, mechanical or physiological: there is always a psychological aspect, too. 

Your voice is an intimate and vulnerable part of you, as unique to you as your fingerprint, a window to your soul. Just try hiding strong emotions from your voice when you speak: don’t you feel that your voice is sure to betray how you really feel?!

This is the edge we lean into. We explore the infinite forms of expression that your voice has the capacity to reach and, in the process, explore deep psychological themes such as:

  • confidence and taking space

  • vulnerability

  • courage

  • emotional expression and release

When you work with your voice in this way, you develop a richer and stronger vocal tone, you become more confident to express yourself freely, and you get to know yourself more deeply. All in a way that feels safe, challenging and fun.

Take my free 2-week challenge!

Take my free 2-week challenge!

On the fence? It’s OK, bae. Get a taste of my work and take the first steps to unleash the power of your authentic voice in my FREE 2-week challenge.